What Clients Say…

Marni possesses a remarkable talent for challenging an individual’s perspectives while fostering a nurturing and supportive environment.

I have had the privilege of working closely with Marni Gauthier, my executive coach, for a little over a year. I am immensely grateful for her insightful guidance and support throughout our journey together. Her expertise and deep understanding of our organization’s business dynamics helped me navigate complex challenges and develop effective strategies for growth. She demonstrated an exceptional ability to dive into the nuances of our industry, allowing me to leverage my strengths and capitalize on opportunities. With her keen insights, I was able to take a step back and make better decisions that positively impacted both my personal leadership style and the overall success of our business.
Marni possesses a remarkable talent for challenging an individual’s perspectives while fostering a nurturing and supportive environment. She pushed me beyond my comfort zone, encouraging me to explore new ideas and approaches to problem-solving. Her thought-provoking questions and thoughtfully tailored exercises helped me gain a fresh perspective on my leadership style and identify areas for improvement. Through her guidance, I developed new skills and techniques to enhance my decision-making, communication, and team management abilities. Her ability to strike a balance between challenging me and supporting me allowed for a productive and valuable coaching experience that exceeded my expectations.
Working with Marni was not just a professional experience but a rewarding personal journey as well. Her genuine care for my growth and development was evident in her dedication to understanding my unique strengths, weaknesses, and aspirations. She fostered an environment of trust and confidentiality, allowing me to feel comfortable sharing my concerns and ambitions openly. It is without reservation that I recommend Marni Gauthier. Her deep understanding of our business and her insightful and challenging coaching techniques make her an exceptional executive coach. I am confident that anyone fortunate enough to work with her will experience immense personal and professional growth, allowing them to unlock their full leadership potential.
Charlie Smith, Senior Managing Director – Brokerage, JLL

Marni’s approach is holistic and integrated.

Marni has been a force of growth, accountability, encouragement, and inspiration to me for over a year now. Her approach is holistic and integrated: she ties together so many developmental principles into one coaching experience. In a period of rapid advancement involving brand-new territory, Marni’s coaching allowed me to excel, to provide servant leadership to a team of 60+ amidst tremendous change and ensure I’m balancing all the facets of running a successful business. Marni challenges me, coaches me through crucial decisions and provides an avenue for processing some of the biggest professional hurdles I’ve ever encountered. She has been invaluable to me as a leader.
Jenny Leman, President, CareerPlug

Marni enabled me to find clarity and regain my purpose & desired fulfillment.

There are pivotal times professionally when you realize that you’re not on the right path to [your] fulfillment. You think you are—and outside influences lead you to believe you are—but you’re not! Through discussions with Marni and her suggested readings and tips, I had a massive epiphany. The “thing” professionally I was manically driving towards, and thought was my end desired state, wasn’t my end game at all. She enabled me to find clarity and regain my purpose & desired fulfillment. I couldn’t be more grateful … and happy! If you’re like me and desire to consistently reevaluate, refine, and elevate you’re thinking and tool set, there’s no better executive coach to have by your side than Marni.
Without our work together, I am certain I wouldn’t be here. You pushing me to think through my purpose and getting me to a state of mindfulness made me realize that I was never bought into what I was trying to fulfill in my former role – and it didn’t jazz me. Once that clear-minded eureka moment hit, I knew that I had to course correct to identify and live out MY purpose. I’m now aligned with my passion. Wouldn’t have happened without your counsel and getting me to a clear, calm mind. THANK YOU.
Ernie Overholt, Head of Risk, Compliance & Controls, Financial Advisor Services, Vanguard

Marni is an exceptional executive coach.

She and I worked together during a 15-month period in which I was taking on a new, more challenging, and more complex role than I had ever had before. Marni helped me navigate the key challenges in that role with tremendous curiosity, empathy, and expertise. She brought effective tools to bear and helped me tailor them for my specific context. I can say without a doubt that I’m more successful in my role because of her!
Amit Koren, CEO Leasing and Capital Markets Technology, JLL 

Marni Gauthier has the range and agility to meet her clients where they are, and to walk with them.

Marni Gauthier has the range and agility to meet her clients where they are, and to walk with them on whatever path it takes to reach their desired destination. Rather than applying any single methodology, she listens hard, then draws from a wide variety of theories and approaches to provide insight and tools which help her clients to change their state. I found this tremendously useful, as it enabled me to focus on communicating my situation, trusting that Marni would make the effort to understand, and to suggest genuinely relevant and useful new behaviors. This worked really well, and months later I’m still finding ways to improve based on Marni’s input.
Gavin Perkins, Account Director for JLL @ Google

You’ve been an invaluable sounding board and advisor at a critical point in my career.

Marni has been a delightful coach and partner to work with over the course of our nine months journey together. I especially appreciate the structure she brings while flexing to meet me where I am in the moment. We’ve talked through numerous concepts and practiced a variety of tools. While our conversations remain fluid, it has been eye-opening to look back and realize how much these concepts thread through the scenarios we’ve discussed in each meeting. Marni also has a gift of helping me gain clarity and shifting my perspective to one that is more productive and empowering. She does all this while modeling the utmost compassion and firmness.
You’ve been an invaluable sounding board and advisor at a critical point in my career. Thank you!
Zhi Xu Martinez, Senior Leader, Vanguard

Marni tackled difficult conversations and kept us focused on our desired cultural shift.

Following a lot of change in a short period of time, our core issues came down to Trust and Communication. Marni’s cultural intervention included Crucial Conversations, Trust and Emotional Intelligence trainings for the Executive and Management Teams. She tackled difficult conversations and kept us focused on our desired cultural shift. She created a critical communication bridge between departments and management — between leadership and the working force in touch with the pulse of what was truly happening at the staff level.
Meghan Wong, MS, Director, Medical Management Group Association

Dr. Gauthier is a “wow” individual and a big positive surprise.

She is engaging, credible, and a time management master. Her leadership training was great: relevant and useful with “live” examples I really enjoyed, and that gave me information and techniques I started using the same week, at work and in everyday life.
Anders Gilberg, Senior Vice President, Government Affairs at Medical Group Management Association

Marni has a gift of meeting people where they are at and the ability to take them deeper into self-discovery.

She holds a safe space and presence and asks questions that go right to the root of the issue, allowing the client to discover what they need to learn and to take the next steps in their journey.
Dr. Lynn Bunin

I’ve never had a facilitator like you: unique and refreshing. You were very engaging and bonded with us quickly.

David A. Welker, Regional Finance Manager, Western Area Power Administration

Marni has a special touch as a facilitator and group leader.

She is intuitive about the people in the room. She gently draws out each person so that they are heard without applying pressure. Her questions and insights are probing and thought provoking. Whenever I am in a group with Marni leading, I feel I have learned so much about myself. She is a real gift.
Searl Vetter, WomenThrive Leadership Founder

Working with Marni was a key accelerator in refining my leadership style to meet the needs of a challenging role.  

 Marni stood out immediately as different from other coaches.  She is practical and pragmatic, but also deeply intuitive and vision focused.  She asked hard questions, listened with empathy, and pinpointed both my strengths to leverage and my growth areas in a way prior managers and mentors hadn’t distilled so clearly. Marni exposed the path forward for meaningful change.
 Over the course of our engagement, we were able to focus on applying structured frameworks to the messy problem of the moment for immediate benefit.  Her workshopping approach balanced actions and mindset so that I could adopt new practices and stay authentic.  With Marni, I was able to candidly reflect and iterate.  
The value of Marni’s coaching is ongoing.  The work we did together is now part of my permanent toolkit, providing a resource for both setting my vision for change and the ways to accomplish it. 
  • Your style is wasted on anyone who’s looking to fine-tune — your superpower is showing the path for real (and necessary) change.
  • I felt SEEN in a way that I have with very few other people – you figured me out fast in both positive and limiting areas.
  • I felt SAFE in sharing candid and real information.
  • You pull out the motivation to do the hard things – I wanted to see the change in myself that you saw in me … it’s still a part of my reflection / refocus process.
  • Your style satisfied my Type-A pragmatic needs and calmed my overstimulated overwhelmed brain — a delicate balance that’s difficult to do when I’m in a pressure-cooker situation.
Julie Travis, Senior Director of Product, Sales Acceleration and Marketing Technology, JLL Technologies

I would not be where I am today without my partnership with Marni.

I started working with Marni 3 years ago as my executive coach.  I wasn’t paired with her, but rather I selected her after interviewing several coaches due to her energy and communication style.  I had no way of knowing then what an impact her coaching would have on me and those around me. I sought out an executive coach to help me refine my greatest strengths to increase my executive presence and impact, while wanting to learn how to tame the less desirable behaviors that were getting me in the way of my professional goals. While I had received consistent feedback over the years, I never knew what to do with it.  I can confidently say that working with Marni has helped me build the tool kit to be the best professional version of myself.  And those same skills have been applicable in my personal life. I would not be where I am today without my partnership with Marni.
 Officer, Top Investment Management Firm

This program proved to be a small investment with large returns.

With the world climate and pressures of today, being afforded this opportunity to look at myself and evaluate how I am perceived by others was an absolute eye opener. This program proved to be a small investment with large returns. By highlighting positive leadership qualities and areas of focus to improve, I was able to humbly put into action small changes in my daily routines that provided great results. Marni’s technique of helping to self-identify opportunities within my management style and truly understanding how they impact others proved to be a springboard in both my personal and professional lives.
You have been a life changing friend and professional mentor. I know it’s technically your job but you make it a personal non-judgmental experience and I wouldn’t be where I am today both personally and professionally without having our time together. What could have been a stressful and anxiety ridden period in between jobs was actually smooth. I feel I owe this to you for introducing me to meditation and some really great literature that prepared me. The old James would have worried and been angered by what transpired. But being grounded, present, and at peace with my life, it all worked out for the best.
James Dunnican, Executive Director – Global Property Management, Wells Fargo Bank

Marni will get you out of your comfort zone so you can grow as a leader and executive. 

After a few sessions, she will know you better than you know yourself! I was always impressed how well she understood business and team situations that I shared…like she was right there with me even though we worked together remotely.
Marni will understand your unique qualities that make you an authentic leader and she will ask you to develop new skills that you did not realize you needed.
Marni taught me to be a direct communicator and to have ‘crucial conversations’ with colleagues.
I’m grateful for my coaching sessions with Marni and especially thankful that she taught me the importance of a consistent meditation practice. As a result of the time I spent with Marni, I approach situations in all parts of my life with more clarity, wisdom, and effectiveness. I can highly recommend her coaching services!
Patrick Heitkam, President, Global Wholesale, Franchise, Licensing, E-Com Partnerships AllSaints and John Varvatos

Marni helped me re-gain a belief in myself.

Marni is an exceptional executive coach. At what I thought was the peak—and standstill–of my career, she helped me re-gain a belief in myself which, after leadership and organizational changes, I had lost. She gave me very pragmatic techniques that improved my conscience presence and were a primary factor in my winning a very competitive promotion.
It was our work that gave me the courage and confidence to make this move. I can’t thank you enough for all the insights, ideas, support, and motivation to move forward … I’m truly happy, completely engaged, and making a difference!
Joe Linnehan, Director, Slalom

I haven’t felt this alive and of use in a long time.

Last September, I attended a life-changing three-day retreat with Marni Gauthier. I was at a real low point personally and professionally at that time. The retreat and a year’s-worth of weekly and then monthly private sessions with Marni set so many things in motional that have now borne tremendous fruit and satisfaction. I haven’t felt this alive and of use in a long time. In so many ways the things Marni skillfully guided me to understand and focus on helped me prepare for the Coronavirus shutdown just six months later. Now my business is vital and strong in a time when our services are needed more than ever. I feel like I am expressing my life purpose in the work that I am doing in providing important mental health services during the shutdown. I’m also grateful for the many ways Marni reminds me to see the bigger picture of all the amazing forces at play in the universe. She broadens my personal vision and understanding of how my talents and skills can be a force for good in the world.
I am so grateful to Marni for this work we have done together.
Diana Nielsen, Founder and Managing Director, Far West Family Services

Marni is a wise and gifted coach.

Marni is a wise and gifted coach, utilizing her skills and experiences as a writer, teacher, leader, athlete and mother to guide me to clarify dreams and set goals. She is an invaluable sounding board for all things important: family, relationships, work, and passions. While she is energetic, passionate and inspiring, she calmly and clearly reflects back to me what it is I really want, but have a hard time knowing for certain. She is at once rational, logical and analytical, but also understands and respects the importance of dreams and intuition.
Dr. Karen LaFace, MD, MCSP, Founder, Gorges Health

Marni knocked it out of the park!

You can’t teach what she does. She listens to everybody in the room and brings back the various points to weave them into relational learning.
Andi Melick, Global Learning and Development, Newmont Mining Corporation

The best thing about our leadership offsite was Marni’s energy and knowledge. Rich discussion, great examples.

LaVerne Kyriss, Regional Manager, Senior Planning Advisor, Western Area Power Administration

Fabulous facilitator!

Very energetic and knowledgeable! The best aspect of the LEAD courses was Marni. Her interaction; her passion and adaptive mind. She is an excellent listener. She is engaging and very interactive, drawing everyone in. She created an open learning environment, engagement with our peers, class participation and involvement, and taught tools for critical communications.
Jennifer Regnier, Newmont Mining Corporation
Work with marni

Whoever enters the Way without a guide, will take a hundred years to travel a two-day journey.
